Sunday 6 April 2008

What I did this weekend

On Friday night I was at the Bowling Alley with my Auntie Debbie and Dad with his friends. I was lucky enough to win two games and it was an amazing challenge.

On Saturday, Colin was over and Arleen came too. As they were busy I was playing some of my favourite games.

On Sunday I stayed in the house with the cats. Lottie is scared of the Halloween stick. Piper was hyper. Lottie and Piper are Debbie’s cats. I was in Gran’s room playing with Lottie who was sitting behind the curtain on top of the cupboard.

Dad was here yesterday. Dad was doing his work. He didn’t stay for long. Debbie was here with Dave who is her boyfriend.

1 comment:

Debs said...

Well done Martin!

I would be really interested to see more diary stuff