Tuesday 10 July 2007

Bonus 2 - part of Revenge of the Cats!

And finally, we find out what makes those doggies so evil!

Click on the image to make it larger.


Debs said...

Well done Marty ;o)

I think you'll need another bonus comic to explain why there is a divide between good cats and the bad cats too.

Remember, the bad cats are an ally of the dogs? Why is this?

Have the dogs promised the bad cats power to overthrow Captain Billy so they can rule Cat City instead?

Or you can make it that the bad cats were once scratched or bitten by some dogs in a fight and came infected by the Dog Cure (a bit like a werewoolf or a vampire)? So switching off the machine will cure the bad cats too?

It's your call, but I think it needs explained!

Martin said...

Destroy the cure! cats before its too late!