Saturday 26 May 2007

Revenge of the Cats - part one

Previously in Attack of the Cats… there are two factions from the cat planet Whiskas! Lottie and Piper are on the light side and Holly is on the dark side and she is very powerful. Can Holly be saved from evil before it's too late?

Read on and hope you like it!

Click on the image to see it larger.


Debs said...

This is brilliant! Well done Martin :o)

Looking forward to your next one!

Debs X

Anonymous said...

Wow! What fantastic drawings! can't wait for the next episode!Pepe, Luna and Sol are waiting to know what will happen too! Hope you don't keep us waiting too long to know what happens!

Lots of love Grandpa and Sue

Martin said...

i have made episode2 - have a look! The next one is about spanish army with pepe and sol.