Sunday 1 July 2007

Revenge of the Cats - part three

Chaos erupts as the bad dogs, bad cats and good cats all plummet from the exploded doggie plane. To make matters worse, below them is one of the bad cats' ships, firing at will!

AND There is a big war against Cat City and Dog City looming! Why can't everyone just get on?

Coming soon… a battle at Dogaha Beach! Who will win?

Click on the picture to see it full size.


Debs said...

Another classic… well done Marty! XX

Martin said...

i am going to make the new episode! part7 in revenge of the cats!

Debs said...

Oi you! Where are those CAPITAL LETTERS m'laddo?

So, what's happening in chapters 4, 5 and 6?


Anonymous said...


GG & Colin have sent this to us - so beware Max will send you a message soon!!!!

Penny (Max's mum!!)

Unknown said...

Well done son. What a talent! Wonder where you get it from???

Anonymous said...

Hey Martin young fellow,
Awesome site, I still dont like CATS though.. ~shudders~ and sneezes! LOL.
Sorry i am late visiting you here, been away and busy, will catch up with you soon!
C'mon the Celts..... heehee
Kiera. xx < on your cheek, don't be blushing. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Another good episode! Wish we could draw as well as you do !! Will Big Bad Blue be in the next episode? By the way, we agree with Debbie - you can´t miss out chapters 4,5 and 6!!!
Sue and grandpa, Sol, Luna and Pepe

Martin said...

no c'mon rangers!!! they bet celtic 1 0 and rangers won!

Martin said...

i am starting to go to p7 now after my summer holidays!

Martin said...

episode 3 looks my favourite one

Martin said...

the next one is got spotty the spy cat in his house in africa but he is a british spy with his tank! and bunker he has got a hundred guns and he is invinsible never dies.

Kirkychic said...

Fantastic again Martin well done on the edge of my seat for the next installment xx

Martin said...

I am coming up for p7 and i am 10 coming up for 11 nearly high school.

Debs said...

Marty - the next one needs to also tell us what happens to Murphy remember? He couldn't breathe underwater in the last one!

Martin said...

I am doing a bonus! episodes 1 to 3.

Martin said...

I have already made 1 and 2.

Anonymous said...

We liked the bonus episodes Marty! It´s getting very exciting and the drawings are getting better and better! Looking forward to seeing you soon - maybe you can do an episode from here, although we don´t have a mac!
Love Sue and Grandpa

Martin said...

tomorrow i am going to make bonus! 3.

Martin said...

Cant wait for 4 episode! tomorrow.