Sunday 10 June 2007

Revenge of the Cats - part two

This is very exciting to read. Hope you enjoy it.

Murphy and Ollie's day is beginning to get much worse, thanks to Lottie and Piper!

Part three coming soon!

Please click on the image to see it full size.


Anonymous said...

These are wicked! How do you do them?

Martin said...

who are you? are you a boy?

it was easy. i got paper, then i drew the cats and dogs, then scanned them in and then laid it out in Quark Xpress.

Martin said...

do you live in america because i have got american cousins

Debs said...

Looking forward to creating Chapter three with you!

Get your thinking cap on Marty ;o)

Debs X

Anonymous said...

Revenge of the Cats is looking amazing I am on the edge of my seat waiting for the next instalment. Well done to Martin :)

Martin said...

The next one is about cat prisoners in battle ships cant wait!