Saturday 18 August 2007

Revenge of the Cats - part four

Here is the next exciting episode of 'Revenge of the Cats'…

Another secret from the bottom of the ocean reveals itself and we meet the mice, a new ally to the dogs, who make their debut in this episode!

Plus there are more exciting cliff-hangers… but you will just have to wait a while longer to find out what happens in the next episode, coming soon!


Anonymous said...

This looks really good on the blog Marty! Can´t wait for the next episode! We are all missing you, especially Sol, who keeps jumping up on your bed and sniffing at the pillows, wondering where you are!! It was lovely having you here and we are looking forward to the next time - hope it won´t be too long!!
Lots of love
Sue and Grandpa Colin
Ps We loved the drawings you did on the thankyou card!!

Debs said...

Something tells me, this is all leading to a massive "twist in the tale!"


Well done Marty X

Anonymous said...

Fantastic!!! This guy is going to be a star!!!


Anonymous said...

Martin has made my old pal Brandon a legend!!!

Anonymous said...

Good drawings. Hope lottie is going to be okay?

Martin said...

New york times!!! i am famous!

Nick said...

Haha! lovin it so far martin. can't wait for the next one!
Nick (from school)

Debs said...

Yep - you'll need to get drawing for your next one! Remember, plan it as a proper comic with different boxes.

Have you told your mum you want to come over on Saturday?

Lottie and Piper have been missing you!

Debs X

Anonymous said...

cool story marty ! can't wate till u make some more.
seeya at school

Martin said...

Today i am going to make the next one!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well done Martin, You are so clever to have created this animation story. Mrs McKenzie told me about it. I'm so glad she did. Look forward to reading the next episode. Mrs Cocozza