Sunday 14 December 2008

My trip to Alien Wars

Today I went to something I have been looking forward to for a very long time… Today, I went to Alien Wars!

I originally heard about this from my Dad and my Aunty Debbie. They had been to the first one way before I was born!

We went to The Arches but had to wait an hour after buying our tickets because it was so busy. We formed a queue and were led down to the basement. I was relieved to see other children in the group, so wasn’t nervous.

At the beginning of the tour a scientist told us what they found down there… we were about to be shown around an Alien Spacecraft! Our guide was an armed Marine. When the tour started, things began to go wrong… the alarm sounded and a radio message alerted us that an alien was on the loose! The Marine had to get us to safety so he barked orders at us like: “FOLLOW ME!”, “STAY DOWN!”, “BACKS TO THE WALL!” and “RUUUUUUN!”.

The Spacecraft was very dimly lit... it was foggy and there were strobelights flashing. Suddenly the lights went out, we heard a noise and the lights flashed back on to reveal an Alien standing in front of us. The Marine started to shoot at the Alien then shouted for us to RUUUUN!

On the next corridor we saw a Scientist who was obviously infected and the Marine ran after him to check where he had gone, leaving us on our own. At this point the Alien re-appeared behind a gate, and pushed it open and started crawling on all fours towards us. We were scared!

The Marine came to our rescue and led us into an old Hospital room which had bodies lying scattered on operating tables. He told us to wait in silence until suddenly a body from under one of the sheets started to come to life so we had to run from there too!

We were all squeezed into a lift. The lights went off and there was a blue flash. We then heard a hissing noise and the Alien crashed through the door and grabbed a screaming victim. Thankfully, he didn’t grab me! After this, we ran to the safety of a brightly-lit corridor. The Marine then congratulated us for surviving Alien Wars.

As we headed back to normality we smiled at the queue of unsuspecting victims anxiously waiting for their adventure to begin!

I enjoyed the experience of Alien Wars and thought I was really brave although I would have liked it better if it had lasted a wee bit longer. It might have been scarier if Predator was there too.

The End.

Sunday 14 September 2008

Time Lord Hunter

This is my picture of a Time Lord who escaped from the front line during the Time War. He carries a plasma launcher on his shoulder. He knows about the Daleks who are enemies of the Time Lords. His mission is to unlock the Time War to save the Time Lords.

He is called... Hunter. Remember his name! 

Friday 23 May 2008

My trip to Edinburgh

I went to Edinburgh Dungeon with my Dad and Debbie. At first I was a bit scared and held on to my Dad but he assured me I was going to be okay. We had our photo taken at the door. We went on a dark boat ride and I saw flashes behind me. Debbie saw Glow in the Dark eyes at the side of the boat. Water fell on my head. We heard horrible noises. After the boat ride, a Vampire jumped and gave us a fright then the Vampire was telling us a story about William Wallace. After this we went to a Sauna. A door we had to go through was rotating and we felt dizzy.

We then went to a room full of mirrors and we had to feel our way out which wasn’t easy. After this we went to Mary King’s Close where a guard told us the story of the place and what had happened here. We saw the Ghost of Mary, Queen of Scots outside the window. It looked as though it was coming towards us.

After this we went to a gift shop but we didn’t buy anything.

Sunday 20 April 2008

My Trip to Aberdeen

My Dad and I were getting ready to go to Aberdeen. It took us three hours to get there! I thought the journey was long but -my dad is used to it. Jennifer’s cats welcomed me at the door.

We went to the Casino and spent some time gambling. I ran out of 2 p’s, so I lost. I was trying to see if any pennies were in another 2p machine but gambling is a mug’s game! Eventually I went home broke! My dad was gambling too. He was playing a pub game machine and only won £1 so we didn’t go home rich!

I hope the Builders will have finished the house by the time I visit Aberdeen again.

Saturday 12 April 2008

Easter holiday time

Now that I am on holiday I went to my cousin, Carl’s party. His other cousins, Emily and Jennifer, were there too. They were playing my game which was called “Sims 2 Pets’’.

This game is about cartoons. It was played on the tv screen and is a Play Station 2 game. Some people think it’s very good. We did an egg hunt. I was the winner. It was easy. If it hadn’t been so easy I would have lost!

My Dad told me about a film he had seen called “The Orphanage” which is very scary. I wish Dad hadn’t told me the story as I would have liked to have seen it for myself but when he told me what it was about, that ruined it for me - he is not my daddy, he is a diddy!

Sunday 6 April 2008

What I did this weekend

On Friday night I was at the Bowling Alley with my Auntie Debbie and Dad with his friends. I was lucky enough to win two games and it was an amazing challenge.

On Saturday, Colin was over and Arleen came too. As they were busy I was playing some of my favourite games.

On Sunday I stayed in the house with the cats. Lottie is scared of the Halloween stick. Piper was hyper. Lottie and Piper are Debbie’s cats. I was in Gran’s room playing with Lottie who was sitting behind the curtain on top of the cupboard.

Dad was here yesterday. Dad was doing his work. He didn’t stay for long. Debbie was here with Dave who is her boyfriend.

Sunday 6 January 2008

Revenge of the Cats - part five

Here is the next exciting episode of 'Revenge of the Cats'…

Last time we left our heroes struggling against a ferocious tornado and powerful whirlpool. Captain Brandon's treasure map had been released from the depths below. Where was everyone going to end up now?

It's seems everyone is having a very stressful day! Find out what happens in the next episode, coming soon!