Sunday 23 September 2007

Marty the sporty kid!

This is what I was doing today at the BBC building in Glasgow. I felt nervous when I first read from the autocue on the computer. I hope you enjoy my broadcast and thank you for watching!


Debs said...

The boy's gonna be a star!

Martin said...

I was nervous! then i got use to it.

Anonymous said...

Great job, Martin!
Mrs MacKenzie

Martin said...

Mrs mackenzie 'oh' its you so you have been sending me coments you should see my links!

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin,
I like your Lego Star Wars links the best. I have it for my PSP. Maybe at Golden Time one Friday we can play it.
You need to write the next episode of your story.
Mrs Cocozza and I are looking forward to the next part.
Mrs MacKenzie