Thursday 16 August 2007

Coming to the end of the holiday

1. What has been your favourite part of the holiday?
jacuzzi! and exporing caves and micha and sun!

2. What is the swimming pool like?
tickley fish and freezing!!!

3. What will you miss about Spain?
cats and caves and jacuzzi warm and sue and col and sam.

4. Have you found anything exciting?
micha shiny!

5. Are you looking forward to going back to school?
no way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Now that you are back at School, is it really so bad?

Martin said...


Debs said...

You're a man of many words, Marty!

Martin said...

Thats because i am qiute.

Debs said...

Or QUIET, even!

Spelling, young Martin!