Sunday 24 June 2007

Questions to answer when dad comes down

Here are some questions for Martin to answer the next time he comes over. I think I know the answers to some of them already! Debs

Q: What are you going to get up to during the summer holidays?
A: My holiday in Spain!
Q: Are you looking forward to Primary Seven?
A: Don't know really
Q: What has been your most fun day this year?
A: West End Festival
Q: What is your favourite band?
A: Metallica
Q: What is your favourite song?
A: Seek and destroy!
Q: Who are your best friends?
A: Steven, Chris and Ross.
Q: What are you going to ask for at your next haircut? ;o)
A: Number 4 at the sides and spiky at the top
Q: What do you want to be when you are older?
A: An electrician
Q: You have three wishes… name them?
A1: Be invinsible
A2: The earth was made out of lego!
A3: I wish I was a DJ mixer

1 comment:

Martin said...

I do like acdc!!! back in black.