Sunday 14 December 2008

My trip to Alien Wars

Today I went to something I have been looking forward to for a very long time… Today, I went to Alien Wars!

I originally heard about this from my Dad and my Aunty Debbie. They had been to the first one way before I was born!

We went to The Arches but had to wait an hour after buying our tickets because it was so busy. We formed a queue and were led down to the basement. I was relieved to see other children in the group, so wasn’t nervous.

At the beginning of the tour a scientist told us what they found down there… we were about to be shown around an Alien Spacecraft! Our guide was an armed Marine. When the tour started, things began to go wrong… the alarm sounded and a radio message alerted us that an alien was on the loose! The Marine had to get us to safety so he barked orders at us like: “FOLLOW ME!”, “STAY DOWN!”, “BACKS TO THE WALL!” and “RUUUUUUN!”.

The Spacecraft was very dimly lit... it was foggy and there were strobelights flashing. Suddenly the lights went out, we heard a noise and the lights flashed back on to reveal an Alien standing in front of us. The Marine started to shoot at the Alien then shouted for us to RUUUUN!

On the next corridor we saw a Scientist who was obviously infected and the Marine ran after him to check where he had gone, leaving us on our own. At this point the Alien re-appeared behind a gate, and pushed it open and started crawling on all fours towards us. We were scared!

The Marine came to our rescue and led us into an old Hospital room which had bodies lying scattered on operating tables. He told us to wait in silence until suddenly a body from under one of the sheets started to come to life so we had to run from there too!

We were all squeezed into a lift. The lights went off and there was a blue flash. We then heard a hissing noise and the Alien crashed through the door and grabbed a screaming victim. Thankfully, he didn’t grab me! After this, we ran to the safety of a brightly-lit corridor. The Marine then congratulated us for surviving Alien Wars.

As we headed back to normality we smiled at the queue of unsuspecting victims anxiously waiting for their adventure to begin!

I enjoyed the experience of Alien Wars and thought I was really brave although I would have liked it better if it had lasted a wee bit longer. It might have been scarier if Predator was there too.

The End.