Saturday 18 August 2007

Revenge of the Cats - part four

Here is the next exciting episode of 'Revenge of the Cats'…

Another secret from the bottom of the ocean reveals itself and we meet the mice, a new ally to the dogs, who make their debut in this episode!

Plus there are more exciting cliff-hangers… but you will just have to wait a while longer to find out what happens in the next episode, coming soon!

Thursday 16 August 2007

Coming to the end of the holiday

1. What has been your favourite part of the holiday?
jacuzzi! and exporing caves and micha and sun!

2. What is the swimming pool like?
tickley fish and freezing!!!

3. What will you miss about Spain?
cats and caves and jacuzzi warm and sue and col and sam.

4. Have you found anything exciting?
micha shiny!

5. Are you looking forward to going back to school?
no way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 14 August 2007

The mouse's treasure hunt

Will the mice find the treasure map to Phantom Captain Brandon's gold and avenge the mischievous cats? Or will their bosses - the dogs - find out?

Coming soon in Revenge of the Cats!

Monday 13 August 2007

Coming soon - the best ever episode of 'Revenge of the Cats'!

Just to let you all know, while here on holiday in Spain with me, Martin is currently working on his next episode of 'Revenge of the Cats' - and it's a cracker!

We'll see what we can do about getting it online while out here, but if we can't, you'll just need to wait until we come back!

Friday 10 August 2007

Day one on my Spanish holiday

1. Were the cats are from the cave happy that they are in your comic ´Revenge of the Cats´?
They are wanting to be in dogaha beach!

2. Do you plan to do another comic on your holiday?
Yes about captian brandon and the dassa vs the cassa vs the mice in the area of the pit called the great pit of mice.

3. Have you made any new friends and if so, what are their names?
Only one called sam he is 13 years old and he is from birmingham.

4. Have you been in the jacuzzi yet?

5. Are you happy that you are on holiday?
good exploring caves!

6. Do you miss anyone?
david and jennifer and mel and graeme.

Saturday 4 August 2007

Bonus 3 - Part of Revenge of the Cats!

So here it is… the answer to Murphy the dog's fate. And what is this mysterious floating Cat Ghost Ship? Some say they've seen it in the sea, others say they've seen it in the sky… And why are all the doggies terrified of its phantom Captain Brandon?

Click on the image to view it full size