Sunday 27 May 2007

Lego-Saving Private Ryan

This is my favourite You tube clip!

Saturday 26 May 2007

Revenge of the Cats - part one

Previously in Attack of the Cats… there are two factions from the cat planet Whiskas! Lottie and Piper are on the light side and Holly is on the dark side and she is very powerful. Can Holly be saved from evil before it's too late?

Read on and hope you like it!

Click on the image to see it larger.

Normandie D-Day in lego

I like this because it's well done and the music is good.

Piper stares!

I made this Legoman, then took this picture of Piper (with mad staring eyes!) and created this picture in Photoshop (with the help of my dad).

Hope you enjoy it!

Thursday 24 May 2007

Going to see Pirates of the Caribbean on Friday!

Looking forward to seeing Pirates of the Caribbean on Friday! I will fill in this questionnaire that Debs has set up for me once I've seen it. If I can think of anything else I will add that too.

Favourite character: Barbossa
Best scene: when Jack Sparrow and Davie Jones were fighting on the ship while they were spinning around in a whirlpool!!!
Best baddie: davie jones
Scariest scene: the start when they were hanging on ropes
Funniest scene: when the monkey was freezing
Marks of of ten: 9